Ashwood Support Services is unique in that we specialise in supporting people with specific disabilities. Autism is one in which we have many years of experience supporting NDIS participants, but also a lived experience for many on the Ashwood team. We make sure to work collaboratively with the whole of a persons care team, ensuring that we are both providing the best support possible to them, whilst also supporting the efforts the care team surrounding them. This could include therapists, family, friends, or anyone the participant feels it valuable for them that we communicate with.
A large number of our participants with ASD, Downs Syndrome or an Intellectual Disability also often have duel or multiple diagnosis which can make the type of support they need more nuanced, particularly as adults or as they are entering adulthood. We endeavor to explore all options with the participant and their care team to ensure that they are able to live as independently as possible, with the development of life skills a hugely important aspect of the support we provide.
Often times, people may just need someone to help problem solve future scenarios, talk about any concerns they might have or debrief after taking on a difficult task. Being adaptable and being able to shift focus to what is todays biggest concern, whilst also continuing to work towards the more long term goals a participant might have, is a key attribute of our support workers.
Of course, sometimes people just want to have fun too, and providing support to access the community is something our support workers really enjoy doing.
Ashwood Support Services support workers also pride themselves on being strong advocates for the participants they work with. This can take many forms, but some of the more regular interactions we have with other organisations on behalf of our participants include but are not limited to public housing authorities, the NDIS/ NDIA, Civil and Administrative Tribunals and State Trustees.
We pride ourselves on being able to do more than just provide regular support. We believe working collaboratively and engaging with the organisations listed above when necessary, as well as a participants care team, is vital in providing a person centered and holistic approach to supporting people live the best lives they can. This includes planning for important life stages and particularly the move from school to the workplace/ further study, so that these transitions are done as smoothly as possible.
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