At Ashwood Support Services one of the four types of disabilities we specialise in supporting are acquired brain injuries (ABI’s). We understand how complex and often times difficult living with an ABI can be, not just due to the injury itself, but the many emotions that can come with not being able to necessarily do the things you did before because of an accident or injury. We also understand how frustrating and how angry it can make someone feel when the difficulties they face are minimised or dismissed by others, just because the effects of a brain injury aren’t always immediately visible.
We have been involved in all stages of care when it comes to supporting people with an ABI, from pre discharge planning with the hospital rehabilitation teams to assisting with developing return to work plans. As with all the participants we support, this involves working within multiple disciplinary teams across multiple fields, be it the disability sector, healthcare, insurance and even industrial relations and the legal fields.
Due to the nature of ABI’s, support workers need to be adaptable when it comes to following rehabilitation plans which have the potential to rapidly change, whilst also being able to know when to slow down and simply be someone that can listen and provide comfort when things get all too much.
This extends to being able to understand and appreciate the emotions that the participants family and close friends deal with as a result of their injury as well. It can be hugely difficult for families and friends to come to terms with and accept the change that their loved ones have experienced as a result of their injury, whilst also often being relied upon to take on the role of main carer/s.
At Ashwood, we try our best to make sure that we understand the emotions being experienced by not just the participant, but those around them as well to try and both minimise the angst that may be felt during a persons ongoing recovery and create as supportive and positive environment as possible to achieve a persons recovery goals.
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